Chances are if you're here I probably already know you and linked you here. At any rate, I like to build... stuff. The things I make range from industrial and functional objects to what could pass as art, encompassing various vocational fields. (Metalworking, woodworking, mechanical, electrical, and so on.) The problem with having such a spread focus on what I do, is that it's hard to share my projects on a community site like DeviantArt or the like. In short, I wanted a place where I could dump whatever it is I make all in a single place, regardless of what it is, and its stage of done-ness. Yes, a website would work best, but a blog would also work as well, in my opinion.
And so, Project Madness begins. I will be posting whatever it is I'm working on here, sometimes in-progress stuff (since I have a habit of cooking up several things at once) and sometimes just stuff that's done, hence the madness. Some bicycling related projects will be cross-posted from
Flag Pedals as well, so if you read both blogs, you'll see it twice!
I'll also be working on putting together an "old stuff" posting, mainly of past projects that are posted on DeviantArt (mostly just the woodwork) just so my stuff is mostly in one place.
And now, have a picture of the projects on my desk at the moment! A box under construction, and bicycle rack decks.