So, it's been over a year since I've done any turning. Before hacking at blocks of wood with the lathe, I decided a warm up was in order, to see if I remembered how to make nice things. I figured, while I was at it, I'll try something new, and mount the log sideways, and turn it cross grain. Usually, I turn my laminated bowls cross grain, and raw logs get turned end grain.
I think it came out rather well.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
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Ooh! I like how that came out, too! I like the fact that it has such a textured stripe down the side. :3
ReplyDeleteYeah, I didn't concentrate on cutting all the way down through the bark. I figured with it being such a plain-grained wood (it's from a birch tree from my grandpa's yard when he lived in Virginia) the bark would add some nice contrast.
ReplyDeletePlans for this one involve stain! I've never stained one of my bowls before, just always left them close to natural color under the poly.